2013年3月1日 星期五

Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 7.4 Release

The Adobe Camera Raw 7.4 release candidate is now available in Adobe Labs! Bugs are fixed and raw file support is added for nine new cameras including the Canon EOS 1D C, the Fujifilm X100s and the Nikon 1 V3.  Download the release here: 

Hong Kong Professional Photoshop & Illustrator Course
Hong Kong Professional Photoshop Training

最新Adobe Camera Raw7.4 release現已發布Adobe Labs上改善了bugs和加入了9新的相機的RAW文件支援包括佳能EOS 1D C,富士X100s和尼康1 V3這裡下載http://adobe.ly/ZEDjng.

香港專業Photoshop & Illustrator課程

